Jin Lee

Jin Lee


About Jin

Jin Lee is Co-CEO at TransPerfect. Lee manages the translation, interpretation, and desktop publishing divisions of the company worldwide. He has unparalleled experience in handling large-scale technical projects in multiple languages. Based in the company's headquarters in New York, Lee oversees the selection, training, productivity, and evaluation of over 350 employees worldwide. With linguistic skills in Korean and French, Lee began his career as a Project Manager at TransPerfect in 2003.

In 2015, Jin took on TransPerfect’s legal staffing division and helped to grow and scale it, improving profit. In 2019, he assumed management of Trial Interactive to also drive profit and revenue growth. Jin is a major proponent of company culture, long-term sustainable growth, client service, quality, and results, and he coaches managers on how to continuously grow their businesses. Outside of TransPerfect, Jin is on the board of CFES Brilliant Pathways and is an avid mentor and supporter of equal access to quality education for all students. Jin holds a BA in economics from Middlebury College.



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