November 1 2021
시간이 중요합니다
뉴스 속보를 전달하거나 시장 개척을 목표로 할 경우, 메시지 품질을 유지하면서 동시에 시장 점유율도 지키는 것이 중요하지만, 속도와 품질 중에서 선택의 기로에 서게 되는 경우가 대부분입니다. 인공지능(AI) 기반 솔루션과 업계 최고의 워크플로우 기술을 결합한 TransPerfect를 활용한다면 속도와 품질을 모두 유지할 수 있습니다. 시간은 매우 소중합니다. TransPerfect의 솔루션은 귀사가 경쟁 우위를 점할 수 있도록 도와드립니다.
World Travel Market starts today, and TransPerfect is exhibiting! Join our VP of Travel Solutions and team to learn how your company can bounce back in the travel and hospitality industry. - - #WTMLDN #travel #travelcompany #hospitalityindustry
November 1 2021

Q3 was one for the books! We’re so grateful for our dedicated employees and loyal clients for helping us reach our biggest milestone yet. 🎉 - "The $1 billion mark is a milestone we've had our sights on for a long time. While sales performance is not our only important metric, our philosophy is that beyond being a good indicator of overall demand, revenue helps measure how much value we're able to add to our clients' businesses in totality," said our CEO, @phil.shawe. - - #companygrowth #businessgrowth #milestones #business #businessnews
October 28 2021

Repost:@phil.shawe The TransPerfect Global Leadership Conference in 2008 marked our 15th year in business, and was a special conference for many reasons—but particularly because of our Keynote Speaker. - Former Secretary of State, General Colin Powell, whose heartfelt words about leadership and trust—and always being the kind of manager that other people want to bring their problems to—continue to inspire me and many members of our team to this day. - I'm beyond saddened to hear of his passing and send my deepest condolences to his family and loved ones. - - #colinpowell #management #leadershipskills #naturalbornleader #restinpower #inspiration #secretaryofstate #general #keynotespeaker #conference #globalcompany
October 19 2021
For TransPerfect, revenue figures are important to us because they represent the sum total of the value we’re able to add to our clients’ businesses through the services and technology we provide. Exceeding the $1 billion mark in annual revenue in our 29th year is an achievement that we’ve aimed for from the beginning—and it took a village. Our gratitude to our clients, our people, our translators, and our other vendors and partners cannot be overstated. We can never repay those who have stuck by us, overcome monumental adversity, and seen us through to this moment in history. But we can “pay it forward,” so to speak, by continuing to bring the highest value and most innovative solutions to our customers—and by always delivering with the most attentive and client-focused service levels. Thank you to everyone internally and externally who played a role in making the dream of surpassing this milestone into a reality!
November 1 2021
World Travel Market starts today, and TransPerfect is exhibiting! Join our VP of Travel Solutions and team to learn how your company can bounce back in the travel and hospitality industry. Learn how we can help:
November 1 2021

Many of our senior leaders are longtime TransPerfect veterans who have worked their way up through the company. But our new Vice President of Growth Strategies, Edgar Vargas Castañeda, is an exception -- and we're so glad to have him. Learn about his expertise and what he brings to TransPerfect here:
November 1 2021

Tickets for the TransPerfect Music City Bowl are available now! Join us in Nashville on December 30 for a great game with great company:
October 29 2021
A 75% increase in revenue? Yes, please! Watch the video to learn how we helped @PestanaHotels achieve these numbers within the #tourism and #hospitality industries, then click here to learn more:
November 13 2020
How do #MTPE projects work for freelance #linguists at TransPerfect? Read all about the process here:
November 12 2020
RT @TPT_Digital: Yesterday was record-breaking! #SinglesDay 2020 was a huge success. Check out these post-event strategies to keep shoppers…
November 12 2020
Where there are challenges, there is opportunity -- and 2020 has brought plenty of both. Here are five reasons why now is the time for #D2C companies to evaluate their #global white space opportunities:
November 12 2020
채널을 전 세계적으로 구축, 성장, 극대화

자막 제작
뛰어난 스킬을 갖춘 당사의 자막 제작 팀은 당사의 클라우드 스트리밍 플랫폼을 사용하여 모든 형식의 자막을 제작합니다.

보이스오버 및 더빙
당사는 더빙 및 보이스오버 서비스를 위한 하이브리드 모델을 사용하며, 여기에는 당사가 소유하여 운영하는 레코딩 시설과 클라우드 기반 레코딩 플랫폼이 포함되어 있습니다.

메타데이터 생성 및 번역
당사의 전문가가 귀사의 동영상을 시청한 다음, 단편, 중편, 장편 형식으로 창의적인 각색을 통해 오리지널 시놉시스를 만들거나 기존의 콘텐츠를 번역합니다.

번역 관리 기술
GlobalLink는 업계를 선도하는 번역 관리 솔루션입니다. 60회 이상 통합을 거쳐 공급업체에 구애받지 않고 사용 가능한 GlobalLink는 동영상, 모바일 앱, 웹사이트 및 메타데이터 관리를 통해 글로벌 일관성을 보장해줍니다.

접근성 서비스
미디어 접근성 요구를 수용하기 위해 트랜스퍼펙트 팀은 고객의 시청각 콘텐츠를 각색하여 라이브 및 오프라인 자막을 제공하거나 녹취전사와 오디오 및 텍스트 설명과 같은 설명 제공 동영상 서비스를 제공할 수 있습니다.