Marketing, Product Launch, and commercialization

Language Services for Marketing, Commercialization & Product Launches

Launch life-saving products and communicate effectively through any channel—print, digital, or social media—around the world.

Our Solutions

Establish, Grow, and Maximize Your Business Globally

Global Brand Management (O)

Global Brand Management

Plan, execute, and manage your global brand, ensuring that messaging is on target for your global audiences.

Software & Mobile Globalization

Software & Mobile App Localization

A full lifecycle solution for software and mobile app localization, including initial strategy consultation, localization, and functional testing in context in order for the product to perform consistently and accurately across languages.

Multicultural Marketing (B)

Multicultural Marketing

Target branding, marketing, and advertising for new markets through the use of our expert copywriters and marketing linguists along with technology to help create efficiencies across the entire campaign lifecycle.

Video Production (O)

Video Production

Create and produce animated and live-action videos, both creative and educational, with our in-house production agency that has extensive experience.

Training & E-Learning

Training &

Our dedicated training and e-learning solutions team provides a mix of services to help you overcome the challenges associated with building and maximizing global workforces.

Legal Solutions (B)

Medical Legal Regulatory (MLR) Review Workflow

Automated solutions to seamlessly manage the MLR review workflow, reducing review time by over 30% while ensuring compliance.


Social Media Monitoring

Advanced technology and expert teams help your company monitor virtually any social media outlet, in any language, to gain meaningful customer and market insights.


In-Market Research

Customized strategies to ensure that your content resonates appropriately and is impactful while being compliant with regulatory requirements in any market.

Client Stories

Hear from our clients


Kickstart your global strategy

We enable our clients to reach new markets globally by connecting with their audiences and providing the best possible customer experience—in any language. 



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