Royal Caribbean chooses GlobalLink Applanga

for customized, real-time mobile app localization


An adaptable solution 
to work at sea


Fast translations for
high-visibility app


Enterprise SaaS Applanga
setup plus custom on-ship proxy


Miami-based cruise company Royal Caribbean’s mobile app is quickly becoming the most popular means of interacting with passengers. The app allows for stateroom access, dinner bookings, entertainment, and other essential functions to be available in all languages their passengers speak.

With Applanga, Royal Caribbean was able to install a custom proxy across all ship networks allowing for on-the-fly updates with new translations—whether in port or at sea.


Lancez votre stratégie mondiale

Nous offrons à nos clients l’occasion d’atteindre de nouveaux marchés à l’échelle mondiale en établissant un lien avec leur public et en offrant la meilleure expérience possible à leur clientèle, et ce, dans toutes les langues.



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