
Kris Marrero

Senior Vice President

About Kris

Senior Vice President of Production, Kris Marrero, has been with TransPerfect since 2001 where she began her career as a Project Coordinator on the Interpretation team. She is based in New York and currently oversees several divisions throughout the Americas, Europe and Asia, including many of TransPerfect’s merger partners. Her teams handle translation, interpretation, website localization, software and mobile app globalization and testing, and digital services. She is heavily involved in driving the company’s overall strategy related to interpretation services and technology for live events. Her main focus is on the development of her team of 600 employees worldwide, striving to create a culture of quality, service, and long-term sustainable growth.

Outside of TransPerfect, Kris is actively involved in Girls on the Run, a non-profit organization that inspires young girls to be healthy and confident through a curriculum that blends physical activity and life skills development. Kris holds a BA in Spanish and Criminal Justice from Villanova University.



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