Celebrating TransPerfect’s Rainbow of Diversity

TransPerfect recognizes there are so many important stories to be told, but we have chosen to spend June, largely recognized as Pride Month listening instead of speaking. As we enter July we are choosing to share what we have heard, and amplify the histories of our LGBTQ+ employees. While we encourage our readers to research for themselves, the significant and colorful history of Pride we hope you’ll find this brief introduction educational. Many Pride events are held during June (especially in New York City where our North American headquarters is located) to commemorate the Stonewall riots, which took place towards the end of June 1969. The LGBTQ+ community chooses to memorialize this historic event in many ways, organizing marches, parades, art, social media exposure, and ongoing educational endeavors, so the impact of the LGBTQ+ community remains accessible and visible.
Coming Out
Cue I’m Coming Out by Diana Ross on Spotify. Now, as you let the bridge of the song excite your sense of fun and joy, also consider that if you don’t identify as LGBTQ+, you’ve never felt the need to “come out!” TransPerfect never forgets our Core Values, one of which is Diversity. Internal employees or Freelancer Experts we are all one community, but our backgrounds, stories, and experiences are unique on an individual level. While there is no way to know how many LGBTQ+ individuals reside within our global family, we know they contribute to meeting the many nuanced and vital needs of our myriad of clients. They bring value and commitment to the table, just like any other TransPerfect representative. To honor our values, their commitment to TransPerfect, and the larger LGBTQ+ story, we are delighted to feature a few persons who are being loud and proud by sharing their stories.
We are Queer, and we’re here!
You’re absolutely gorgeous Queer, and that’s the least interesting thing about you
~ Unknown
Location: Massachusetts, US
Pronouns - She, Her, Hers
Provided Identifier (s) - Female (transgender)
Fun Facts:
- I spent 7 years in Australia
- I used to perform Japanese drumming (14 years of experience)
What we can learn from Stacey: Being authentically “you” should never prevent you from reaching for success. As one of the top-level TransPerfect executives, Stacey is living proof of this truth. We were also happy her personal community includes other transgender members who hold public powerhouse positions within major corporations.
Location: London, UK
Pronouns - He, Him, His
Provided Identifier (s) - Gay
Fun Facts:
- I am taking singing lessons purely to show off at karaoke
- Memes are one of my greatest sources of entertainment
What we can learn from Matteo: Do not forget to document yourself. By merely existing, you are creating important LGBTQ+ history that should be remembered and shared within the boundaries of your own comfort level. You never know, someone might look at your self-representation and feel less alone, and more understood. Creating a sense of inclusion and acceptance is more important than ever.
Location: New York, US
Pronouns - She/Her or They/Them
Provided Identifier (s) - Genderqueer, Femme, Bisexual
Fun Facts:
- I Irish step dance with the NY School of Irish Dance
- I love to try cooking new things and reading recipes (that I then don’t follow very closely)
What we can learn from Tabby: It’s ok if Pride parades and crowds are not your thing. Embrace celebrating in small meaningful gatherings. They are just as impactful.
Location: New Jersey, US
Pronouns - They/Them
Provided Identifier (s) - Gay Non-Binary; Part-time Drag Queen
Fun Facts:
- I’m an exhibiting professional artist
- I enjoy/do Drag
What we can learn from Daniel: Take the time to consider if you join Pride parades to be part of a corporate spectacle or out of an authentic desire to be an ally. If the answer is the latter, make sure you are showing up in other ways. Find and support LGBTQ+ artists, educate yourself about areas of LGBTQ+ history, use your wallet to fund, and create spaces for LGBTQ+ narratives.
Location: Hong Kong, China
Pronouns - She
Provided Identifier (s) - Cisgender
Fun Facts:
- I lived in Switzerland for 4 years and traveled around Europe to race in 10Kms and half marathons as a way to “explore” the city
- I am twin a fraternal twin brother who helped spearhead my LGBTQIA+ rights activism! He came out as bisexual 10 years ago. We grew up in a traditional Chinese Singaporean family where it’s illegal to be queer, and most of the Asian society is raised homophobic. I’m passionate about changing the mindset in my country that being queer equals confusion and should be treated with “conversion therapy.”
- While I’m a cat lover, I recently found out I’m allergic to cats
What we can learn from Lauren: The importance of learning Learn LGBTQIA+ rights in different countries and across Asia; where is it most “socially” unaccepted and how religion, history, and culture plays a huge role in the “behind-ness” of Asia.
Location: New York, US
Pronouns – They/She
Provided Identifier (s) - Queer, Cisgender, Femme-Lesbian Goddess
Fun Facts:
- I have the cutest puppy in the world, a beagle named Blaze
- I’m super into astrology can read your chart for you!
What we can learn from Amber: Resources are closer than you think. Amber runs an LGBTQ+ Career Coaching business called thequeercareerblog.com. Creating and curating a community that embraces and fosters understanding is a compelling thing.
Location: Sydney, Australia
Pronouns - He / His
Provided Identifier (s) - Cis male
Fun Fact
- I’m the lead singer of “The TransPerfection” - the Sydney office band. Our fave tune is Shania Twain That Don’t Impress Me Much.
(I don’t know about you, but this writer feels the same, this song was made for Summer drives, and winter Karaoke belts!)
What we can learn from Tom: You don’t have to define yourself within the provided LGBTQ+ vocabulary. Your LGBTQ+ label or lack of one is just as valid.
PRIDE is inside you, even if you can’t celebrate outside
Thank you to everyone who said “yes” to being featured, and VE hopes to share the stories that didn’t survive the editing process at another time. Our rainbow of TransPerfect representatives also helped compile ways to safely, and respectfully continue celebrating Pride in their identities even as we say goodbye to June.
- Virtual Dance or Game Parties
- Continuing to create platforms for inclusion
- Get involved in SAGE Elders – We highly recommend, click the link to hear our volunteering with SAGE is impactful
- Create or explore LGBTQ+ Art
- Being an activist for causes, you’re passionate about
- Make donations to LGBTQ+ led organizations
- Remember all the LGBTQ+ Role Models who came before
- Consider those LGBTQ+ folk who might not have found an accepting community yet
- Thinking ahead to other important moments of recognition such as Transgender Day of Remembrance 2020
- Explore LGBTQ+ Media such as
- queerbooklife – Instagram
- plantkween – Instagram
- david.k.north – Instagram
- harmeetrehal – Instagram
- queerkidstuff – Instagram
- asianqueeralliance – Instagram
- jamilareddy – Instagram
- bobby – Instagram
- Alokvmenon – Instagram
- One Day at a Time – Netflix
- We’re Here – HBO
- Steven Universe – Cartoon Network
- She-Ra and the Princesses of Power – Netflix
- Sex Education – Netflix
- Disclosure – Netflix
- Tales of the City – Netflix
- The Bold Type – Freeform
Drag is Performance Art – Don’t Drag your feet about getting involved
We look forward in the future to providing more history and visibility on the LGBTQ+ community and Pride. We hope our audience show genuine interest in our featured employees and the many excellent resources out there about the LGBTQ+ community. If you have a desire to connect with our featured individuals authentically, we can help you do so. We also invite you to become part of the educational process and send in other forms of media, art, and accounts so that we can continue to invest and amplify the LGBTQ+ community.
If you identify as an LGBTQ+ Freelance Expert and would like to participate in the future, we would love to hear from you!
As a company, TransPerfect actively uses language as a tool to build bridges of social and financial success, and we want to continue making those strives using outreach and education as well. When looking at issues and experiences, remember at the heart of every label or movement are people.
Leaving Seats at the Table Open
Just as TransPerfect is open 24/7 to our clients, we endeavor to be just as available in providing exposure to other narratives that should be acknowledged. If you have other suggestions of stories and histories, please feel free to request we shed light on them.
Connect with us at VE_GetInvolved@transperfect.com!
Saying goodbye to June is not the closing of LGBTQ+ Pride, and it isn’t the end of the work and progress that, as a global and leadership-focused community, we still have to do. Within the bounds of TransPerfect, LGBTQ+ people are valued employees who represent one of the Core Values our company has been adhering to since 1992. We appreciate the opportunity to showcase what big hearts, unique talents, and stories they have. Thank you for reading these.